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Plaque found on the wall inside of the Young Smith Hall in memory of John W. Young Smith

Young Smith Hall during renovation 2011/2012

Young Smith Hall pre-renovation
The Young Smith Hall is located right next to St.Martin's-in-the-Woods Church, the hall has played a huge part in the community ever since it was built in 1938. The land the hall sits on was given in memory of John Wilson Young Smith by his wife, daughter, and grand-daugter. The Young Smith Hall has been used for countless church events, as well as for many groups and organizations, it is also commonly booked for things such as reunions, parties, baby/wedding showers, dinners, meetings, camps, and much more!

Young Smith Hall post-renovation
To this day the Young Smith Hall still plays an integral part in our church community. In 2011/2012, the Young Smith Hall underwent a major renovation much like the church did in 2007. Both buildings were taken back to bare bones and reconstructed with the latest of systems and materials, including elevators in both buildings as well as Geo Thermal Heating and Cooling units. The hall also had additions put on both sides as well as the back, adding a large foyer, a day care, a brand new church office, and a generous addition to the kitchen which is now fit for any chef or catering team. The renovation was necessary for both buildings in order to fulfill the needs of present as well as future members of the community. The Hall still remains the perfect spot for a gathering or event, and is now more accommodating than ever!
For booking inquiries contact the church office at (506) 532-6960, or email us at

Young Smith Hall post-renovation

Young Smith Hall pre-renovation
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