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Ministry to children at St. Martin’s-in-the-Woods centers around Godly Play on Sundays from September to June and during the week with children of St. Martin’s Daycare and After School Program in the Jessie Murray Room, which is an open space designed as an interactive learning environment.

Godly Play uses the Montessori approach to education developed over the past 30 years and is now widely used across the US, Canada and the UK. It enables children to experience faith through the use of religious language, parable, sacred story, and liturgical action to help them become more fully aware of the mystery of God's presence in their lives. The stories highlight the seasons of the church year and each session integrates components of a worship celebration.

Young People are also engaged in the liturgy of Sundays and at the great festivals of the Church Year. Each summer St. Martin’s hosts a Parish Picnic on the shore of Shediac Bay, an annual Vacation Bible School for the children of our parish and community, and sponsor children to attend Camp Medley and other church camps in our area. Throughout the year there are also many events for children and families in our parish which include First Friday Fun Nights where the intergenerational Family of God can come together for food, fun, and fellowship.

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